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Rays development team addresses concerns ahead of vote

Friday’s luncheon at Tropicana Field helped dispel oft-repeated refrains that the public-private partnership embarking on a $6.5 billion redevelopment project in St. Petersburg has shunned public transparency.

Tampa Bay Rays and Hines executives spoke candidly about their plans to transform the Historic Gas Plant District into a roughly 86-acre mixed-use and mixed-income community before the mayor, city officials and local stakeholders. The development team also fielded pointed questions from the Suncoast Tiger Bay Club, which organized the event.

Community celebrates Foodie Labs opening in St. Pete

Community celebrates Foodie Labs opening in St. Pete

Places This Week: Ice cream shop property for sale

Places This Week: Ice cream shop property for sale

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TV talk show ‘Tampa Bay TONITE’ to premiere Monday

There are, and historically have been, numerous programs on Tampa Bay television devoted to local people talking about the local things they’re doing locally. They’re always of the “coffee ‘n’ chat” variety, casual mid-morning shows aimed squarely at the feet-up homebodies out there.

Put down the mug and stow the bear claw, baby. The area is about to get its first "late-night talk show."

Arts Alive! podcast: Margaret Murray, Creative Pinellas

Margaret Murray, the newly-appointed CEO of Creative Pinellas, has a very clear picture of the importance of both visual and performing arts in our community. Art, she says, “plays a role in mental health, it plays a role in economic development, it plays a role in enticing tourists to stay and extend their visits here.

Seafood & Music Festival to return to Vinoy Park Feb. 23-25
St. Pete officials announce road closures
‘RandyLand’ to return to the Trop in 2024
Southern Poverty Law Center to investigate Gas Plant redevelopment
Loose kangaroo startles Tampa residents

Feb 15 @ 06:00 PM

A Wine & Chocolate Encounter

Feb 16 @ 06:30 PM

The Dome After Dark: Valentine’s Day Edition

Feb 22 @ 10:00 AM

Nature Pix Exhibition


Five ways you can make a positive impact in St. Pete
The Shuffle

Victor Turner

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Bay Pines VA

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Central Ohio VA Healthcare System

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Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer

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Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Program Manager

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