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Rays test new tech at the Trop

Wednesday's Tech Night with the Rays provided a mutual benefit - for attendees, and for an innovative front office that used the event to test a new "loaded value" ticket feature.

Hosted by Tampa Bay Tech, Tech Night with the Rays provided networking opportunities for regional technology professionals and entrepreneurs. Attendees also heard Tampa Bay Rays directors discuss how they incorporated new technology into the gameday experience before the team faced the St. Louis Cardinals.

Success elevates St. Pete brokerage to bigger team, new office

Success elevates St. Pete brokerage to bigger team, new office

St. Pete company closes $10M+ funding round

St. Pete company closes $10M+ funding round

Largo’s future Wawa drive-thru is for sale

Largo’s future Wawa drive-thru is for sale

Pinellas transit authority may absorb TBARTA service

Pinellas transit authority may absorb TBARTA service

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Manhattan Casino will likely become city-run event space

St. Petersburg administrators have shed some light on several long-awaited projects on city-owned properties, including the Manhattan Casino, Sankofa on the Deuces and the 800 Block site downtown.

Thursday morning’s presentation to city council members comprising the Public Services and Infrastructure Committee centered on eight City Sites - formally known as the Grow Smarter initiative. Brian Caper, economic development director, said its name would change again as part of a tentatively titled We Are St. Pete Alliance formed in partnership with the St. Petersburg Area Chamber of Commerce.

Cybersecurity firm plans to lay off over 400 workers
Tampa firm closes funding round with $160M+ investments
Robots from Jabil’s product division roll into retail stores
St. Petersburg places among nations ‘entrepreneurial hotspots’

Aug 12 @ 09:30 AM

Dog Swim Day

Aug 12 @ 10:00 AM

Yoga for a Cause

Aug 12 @ 12:00 PM

Cycle Brewing is turning 10!


Weekend arts forecast: Hello, Ethel Waters
The Shuffle

Jessica Starks

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USF St. Petersburg Police Department

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Regional Communications and Records Supervisor

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First Responder Ambassador

The SparkPlug


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