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St. Pete becomes a mecca for marine science

Dozens of local government, academic and scientific leaders gathered along Bayboro Harbor Wednesday morning to celebrate the intersection of research, inclusivity and economic impact.

Over 100 attendees at the Maritime and Defense Technology Hub heard how a state-of-the-art research vessel would further cement the city's place as a global destination for marine science. The renowned Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute donated the Western Flyer to the Florida Institute of Oceanography (FIO) and the University of South Florida in November 2022.

Collaborative Detroit workspace concept comes to St. Pete

Collaborative Detroit workspace concept comes to St. Pete

Stoneweg garners more retail interest for Coquina Key Plaza

Stoneweg garners more retail interest for Coquina Key Plaza

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Seaweed mass ‘disappears,’ stumping local researchers

A floating seaweed mass that was once 5,000 miles long and visible from space has virtually disappeared from the Gulf of Mexico, leaving local scientists searching for answers.

The "Great Atlantic Sargassum Belt" ballooned to a record size in March before slightly decreasing in May. However, that is when a Florida Atlantic University study warned that the “seaweed” mass and accompanying floating plastic could carry Vibrio vulnificus, or "flesh-eating" bacteria, ashore.

Welcome to Florida: The Cuban Missile Crisis

China Finders to close shop in St. Pete
Florida Funders invests in paywall platform’s $9M round
Local city is among best for small businesses
Dali Museum immersive dome experience to debut Saturday

Jul 16 @ 06:00 PM

Mid-Year Rap Rager 7

Jul 17 @ 06:00 PM

Where Ideas Come From

Jul 18 @ 05:00 PM

Reflections of Art: Local Artist Spotlight


No questions axed: Colleen Cherry is Jobsite’s ‘Lizzie’
The Shuffle

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