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The Hustle

Name: Andreas Calabrese (TVM Media)

Posted By Andrea Perez

When Andreas Calabrese spoke to the Catalyst, he was on his third day living in St. Petersburg. Calabrese drove from Denver to the Sunshine City, sure that this city will hold boundless opportunity. As a young businessman, Calabrese didn't want to miss the chance to build TVM Media - a provider of marketing services for restaurants and bars - from the ground up. Calabrese is optimistic about the company's relationship with local venues in downtown St. Petersburg and in his day-to-day works alongside a small but dynamic team to provide innovative marketing options to thriving local businesses.

Years in Tampa Bay

Less than a month.

Hustle (job)

CFO of TVM Media

What do you do?  

My role is to almost be a doctor of performance. I provide support to everyone that has multiple business functions within the company. That also involves managing the finances of the company and managing investments.

Why do you do it?

I left a job working for a Venture Capital Fund, and joining a startup is really exciting because you get to build something, and when you come into work every day your actions from that day have a drastic impact on the future of the business. And so for me, that was really exciting and the team is fantastic. We have a grade A team of global top-level talent. It’s amazing to work with really smart people that doing really cool things, and innovate in a space where people didn’t really expect it.

What was your Catalyst? (How did you get started?)

The firm that I worked for, Capital A, had partners who were investors in TVM. I met TVM fairly early in their journey and then worked together with them as the U.S. project manager for six months before making the decision to join them full-time as a CFO.

What’s a common misconception or unknown aspect of what you do?

That my role is only to manage the accounting of the company. In truth that’s important but not the largest part. The largest part is to try and, like I said before, be almost the doctor of the business and provide the metrics and the health of the company and help people figure out how to be the most efficient in achieving the goals and keeping performance indicators set.

What’s the most challenging part of your Hustle?

I would say that there’s a lot of technical challenges that are small and recurring. The most challenging thing for sure is to have everyone at the different offices on the same page and synched and all to have a collective understanding. That’s the biggest challenge in my role, and I guess it’s the same in most people’s roles in our company.

What’s the most valuable piece of business advice/insight that’s helped you?

The most important one that I have heard is to value substance over status. That can take a lot of different forms. It’s a quote originally from Peter Theil, and I take that to mean going after and trying to do the things that bring the most value, rather than what appears to be the best or gets you the most accolades or the most attention. If you continue to follow those rules and do that at every decision, you’ll build a business that will eventually be extremely successful because you’re focused on the process rather than the results.

What's next for TVM Media?

Next for us is to continue to expand. We will be opening offices in five more cities.

More Hustle

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