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Reimagining healthcare with Keith Brophy of Blue Cross Blue Shield Business Lab [Audio 10:52]

Megan Holmes



Keith Brophy showed a slide of his encounter with Pepper the robot in Japan.

Click the arrow above to listen to Keith Brophy, Director of Business Lab for Blue Cross Blue Shield speak with St. Pete Catalyst Publisher Joe Hamilton. 

Last month, Keith Brophy, Director of Business Lab for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Emerging Markets spoke at the Sunny Side Up speaker series, presented by the Kate Tiedemann College of Business and the St. Petersburg Downtown Partnership. He later joined us in the St. Pete Catalyst studio to talk the reimagination of healthcare with Publisher Joe Hamilton. 

Brophy spoke on the coming reimagination of healthcare due to innovation and technology. As the Baby Boomer generation ages, remaining independent and aging in place become more important; as does healthcare innovation.

Robotics, artificial intelligence and autonomous vehicles will broadly influence healthcare, Brophy said. Such tools are of vital importance to continued mobility and to defeating isolation by keeping seniors involved in the community.

Check out Margie Manning’s coverage of the Sunny Side Up Lecture Series here: How robots, artificial intelligence and autonomous vehicles will change healthcare.

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