Actress Michelle Azar’s transformation into Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg took significantly more than pulling her hair back in a severe bun and donning the...
In the 1961 film adaptation of Truman Capote’s novel Breakfast at Tiffany’s, one of the characters circling around free-spirited Holly Golightly (Audrey Hepburn) is Mr. Yunioshi,...
It’s not exactly letting the cat out of the bag to explain that Walsh McClarren, one of the two title characters in Neil Simon’s Rose and...
In this Catalyst video interview, actors Stephanie Dunnam and Patrick Ryan Sullivan discussed their star turns in Neil Simon’s Rose & Walsh, opening tonight at freeFall...
American Stage’s acclaimed production of Amiri Baraka’s taut racial drama Dutchman has just four performances left – tonight (Thursday, July 28), Saturday night, and Saturday and...
It looks like the musical OZ, written by St. Petersburg’s Michael Raabe and Eric Davis and first announced for freeFall Theatre’s 2019-20 season, is finally going...
Playwright Rosa Fernandez’s A Skeptic and a Bruja debuts tonight at freeFall Theatre, just two weeks after completing a successful run at Sarasota’s Urbanite Theatre. There’s...
Her animated-pixie speaking voice still carries a hint of her native Wisconsin, but Ann Morrison – actress, singer, educator and fulltime Florida resident – is all...
There are moments, many of them, in the freeFall Theatre production of Lady Day at Emerson’s Bar and Grill, when it appears that actress and singer...
Will Howie Mandel make his scheduled March 10 date at the Seminole Hard Rock Event Center? It’s a reasonable question, as the comedian and America’s Got...