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Name: Jessica Juliano (Life + Money Mindset Coach)

Posted By Kendel Burke

Jessica Juliano still works as a life coach, but the focus of her business has changed quite a bit. After noticing that money is often at the root of many people’s problems, Juliano decided that she can help people cope with the stress that arises when dealing with money. She firmly believes that thoughts shape reality, and encourages people to focus on changing their perspectives about their situation. Instead of associating money with struggle and stress, Juliano recommends that people view it with confidence and feel empowered rather than hopeless. Juliano will be sharing her philosophy with those who attend her IGNITE Your Money Maker Mindset workshop Oct. 6th. Additional details can be found in this link: https://www.facebook.com/events/471613803322527/

Years in Tampa Bay


Hustle (job)

Life + Money Mindset Coach

What do you do?  

I work with people who’re stressed about money, stuck in a vicious feast-or-famine cycle, and struggling with money in their relationships. They’re ready for change but don’t have a clue how to get unstuck. I help them get out of their heads, make peace with their past money woes, and start taking empowered action to create a relationship with money, founded on confidence and freedom.

Why do you do it?

This is the type of work that changed my life. I never used to think about what I wanted. I pretty much just sat in auto-pilot mode, letting life happen to me. I had dreams but didn’t take action. I’ve had the opportunity to work with life coaches at the lowest points in my life: when my dad was battling leukemia and when he eventually passed. Thanks to them, I now know how to live with intention, gratitude, and courage. Money mindset work completely changed my perspective and dared me to dream bigger. I took an incredible leap of faith + trust and quit my day job to pursue Jess + Nik full time. I learned to rely on love over fear and worry. Without that, I wouldn’t be a business owner living my dream. I want others to be able to have this same experience so they can live fully and with powerful intention.

What was your Catalyst? (How did you get started?)

After taking care of my dad, it was excruciating to go back to work and sit at a desk all day. I craved freedom and deep connection with others. Looking back at how life coaching and self-care helped me grieve healthfully, I realized that difficult times in life don’t have to lead us into a deep dark pit of despair. There is another way. I couldn’t keep this to myself. I wanted others to feel as prepared as I did to overcome any obstacle. Nik, my sister, shared this passion so we began this journey together.

What’s a common misconception or unknown aspect of what you do?

Many people are raised with the belief that desiring more in life (especially more money) is greedy and selfish. My perspective now is it’s our duty as human beings to make the most of ourselves during our time on earth. To fully enjoy life and take care of ourselves, we might go to fitness classes, buy quality food, travel, enjoy all the recreational activities St Pete has to offer. All these things cost money! By investing in ourselves, we’re able to GIVE MORE and give more fully than we could otherwise. So it’s our duty to create a healthy relationship with money so we don’t feel greedy or selfish, but instead can celebrate our gift to honor ourselves and better serve the world.

What’s the most challenging part of your Hustle?

Rediscovering who I am in this new phase of my life. Being a business owner has pretty much flipped my life upside down – and going into it, I didn’t realize how much adapting I’d have to do, or how much I’d be changing as a person. I’m constantly learning new things about myself and making adjustments, such as what my ideal work hours are, how many social commitments I want to make each week, and what do I even want to do for fun now!

What’s the most valuable piece of business advice/insight that’s helped you?

Whenever you feel overwhelmed, it’s because you’re looking too far ahead. Keep your focus in the present and do whatever you can with whatever you have right now, no matter how small. All of those small steps lead to big leaps and big results over time.

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