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PRIDETOPIA Embraces and Celebrates Pride in the EDGE




PRIDETOPIA Embraces and Celebrates Pride in the EDGE

St. Petersburg is home to one of the largest PRIDE Celebrations in the Southeast. Born two decades ago in the Grand Central District as a single-day parade that flowed into a street fair, the celebration has evolved into a month-long celebration with ancillary events peppered throughout the year. The culminating weekend is typically the last full weekend in June and provides a much-appreciated boost to the local economy during what is typically a slower period of the year. Friday, June 23rd’s main focus is the Friday Night Concert downtown, Saturday is centered on the TransMarch and Pride Parade on the downtown waterfront, followed by the daytime Sunday Street Fair in Grand Central.

Roger Curlin, the new Executive Director of the EDGE Business District Association, has been an avid community leader and involved with Pride activities & celebrations throughout his life. He recalls those early days of Pride in the Bay Area and is so thankful for the loving community that has helped nurture, support, and celebrate the colorful LGBTQ+ elements of St. Petersburg. Having established relationships with most of the nearly 200 businesses that call the EDGE District home, Roger realized that the District was a perfect portfolio to showcase the acceptance and celebration during Pride Weekend.

He wanted to create a simple, welcoming concept in the EDGE that wasn’t seen as a major competitor to the already scheduled and crowded activities of the weekend. Roger understood with Enigma Bar & Lounge as one of the main LGBTQ+ supportive businesses in the District, and most major activities occurring on either side of the EDGE (Downtown and Grand Central), there would be thousands of folks moving into and through the EDGE District all weekend. Why not design an After-Parade Party on Saturday in the District that invites and celebrates the Pride community by utilizing all of the amazing dining, beverage, and entertainment venues?

All that was left was creating a name. The celebration is intended to be a joyful occasion that connotates love, community, support, togetherness and from this came the marriage of Pride and Utopia to create PRIDETOPIA, an After-Parade Party in the EDGE! The event is scheduled to go from 8pm – Midnight (+) Saturday, June 24th and incorporates 9 bars, 12 eateries, and 5 coffee/dessert spots. The District is not shutting down streets or bringing in vendors for the event, rather they are showcasing each individual business. Realizing most retail spots will not be open late night, PRIDETOPIA is also encouraging folks to Shop with Pride all weekend long. Businesses like Atlas Body + Home, a men’s clothing boutique, are having daytime celebrations Saturday to showcase their support, merchandise, and create an exciting shopping experience.

Some of the businesses that have curated special activities and entertainment for PRIDETOPIA include Intermezzo (1111 Central Ave), Grassroots Kava House (957 Central Ave), and Enigma Bar & Lounge (1110 Central Ave), with several others featuring live entertainment, DJ’d music, and showcased menus-beverages. The EDGE District is a very compact, walk-able, local-centric experience … Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Street (aka 9th St.) to 16th Street, and 1st Ave North to 1st Ave South, bookending the Central Avenue corridor. No matter the vibe, the District has something to offer everyone. Visit edgedistrict.org to find out more details about the EDGE.

Hopefully you get a chance to experience PRIDETOPIA or the EDGE District during Pride weekend. Getting around town on a weekend should always involve a plan, and getting to the EDGE is easy via car, carpool, Uber/Lyft, cab, bike, walk, scooter, and PSTA is free during the Saturday of Pride weekend: psta.net/riding-psta/pride. Have a safe and celebratory weekend with friends, family, and neighbors.

This article provided by Roger Curlin, community activist, leader, and Executive Director of the EDGE Business District Association. info@edgedistrict.org

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