Pulitzer Prize Winner, Paula Vogel unfolds a tale of hidden desires and twisted fates in Desdemona, a play about a handkerchief featuring three women who refuse to play by the rules, a laundry, a brothel, and a handkerchief...
Desdemona, Emilia, and Bianca
find an unlikely haven, sharing secrets amidst sheets and soapsuds.
In the intimacy of the laundry, hierarchies blur. But outside, men wield the strings of fate, weaving a web of misogyny. Can these women forge their own paths, or will they remain forever trapped in roles dictated by a ruthless society?
The answer lies in a single piece of linen, a handkerchief steeped in betrayal and desire. Is it a symbol of innocence lost or a weapon of cunningly veiled defiance?
Come witness Desdemona, where Shakespeare’s classic tale gets a bawdy, irreverent twist. Unravel the mystery. Behold the transformation. Prepare to be shocked, amused, and deeply moved by these daring women.
The question remains:
What about the handkerchief?
Come and find out…
Desdemona, a play about a handkerchief
November 14 thru December 1
Thursdays - Saturdays at 8PM
Sundays at 2PM
Organized by TheatreFor