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County approves $19.5 million for sidewalk improvement project

Mark Parker



Kelli Hammer Levy, director of public works, told the commission that the sidewalk improvement project is a companion piece to the county's road resurfacing program. When the county resurfaces a road, it must also ensure the adjacent sidewalks meet ADA compliance regulations. Screengrab.

Pinellas residents, especially those with disabilities, should soon find the county’s sidewalks more accessible – and with better drainage and less vegetation – due to an extensive $19.5 million improvement project.

During Tuesday’s meeting, the Pinellas Board of County Commissioners unanimously approved Suncoast Development of Pinellas County’s bid of $19,533,940 to complete the sidewalk project within 830 consecutive calendar days. According to its website, Suncoast Development previously worked with the county on several projects, including sidewalk and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) improvements.

The project’s focus is improving ADA accessibility on existing sidewalks throughout the county. Suncoast Development will also construct new sidewalks alongside drainage and roadway improvements. Commission Chair Charlie Justice told the Catalyst that on some projects, the county will approve a set amount of funding for a contractor over a fixed period of time. County staff will then go through a running list of overdue improvement projects and create a timeline.

County staffers are now combing through the list to take what he referred to as a “portfolio approach.”

“So, if we’re going to improve an intersection at 49th Street and 38th Avenue, and the staff realizes that half a block away needs improvement – we’ll do it all at once,” said Justice. “So that the construction impacts to local neighborhoods occur over a shorter period of time.”

Kelli Hammer Levy, director of public works, told the commission that the Suncoast Development sidewalk improvement project is a companion piece to the county’s road resurfacing program. She explained that when the county resurfaces a road, it must also ensure the adjacent sidewalks meet ADA compliance regulations.

“We bring those sidewalks up, we address any drainage issues, curb issues and vegetation that needs to be moved out of the way before we start the road resurfacing,” explained Levy.

According to background documents, the 830-day expenditure must not exceed $19,533,940. Funding is derived from capital improvement and operating budgets through individual assigned work orders. The 2022-2024 fiscal year budgets will include the project’s funding.

Suncoast Development is a certified Pinellas County Small Business Enterprise contractor, and county officials recommended its proposal as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. David Nelson Construction Company solicited the only other bid at $24.6 million.

The ADA sidewalk project aligns with the county’s strategic plan to provide planning, coordination, prevention and protective services to ensure a safe community. The county also hopes to promote the safe and efficient flow of pedestrians, and regional connectivity, through the improvements.

Commissioner Dave Eggers asked Levy if the county was also catching up on other sidewalk issues, and she said the department is well underway on a separate, unnamed project as well. Levy said that project is over 45% complete, and she is excited about the swift progress.

Eggers commended Levy on the department’s progress since it began work in October.

“The crews have been working really hard, and the contractor has been amazing,” replied Levy. “That work is just going so well.”

Levy concluded the brief presentation by thanking the commission for recently approving supplementary funding for the sidewalk projects so the department can procure additional resources. She said those resources would help ensure “we don’t get back here again.”



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