HYBRID EVENT - The Florida Coastal Mapping Program is hosting their annual FCMaP Summit to keep the momentum going on our discussions for mapping Florida’s coastal waters with modern, high-resolution technology. The purpose of the summit is to bring together stakeholders, in person and virtually, to discuss recent mapping activities and future plans and strategies to achieve a mapped Florida.
Local and state coastal managers, planners, and decision-makers; state and federal agencies interested in the Florida coastal mapping realm; academics; and private industry.
FCMaP is a Federal-State partnership with the goal of coordinating the collection of modern, high-resolution data for all of Florida's coastal waters, from the shore to the shelf break, in the next decade. The primary target for the mapping effort is elevation information of the open-ocean coast (bathymetry and coastal topography) that supports numerous applications including infrastructure, navigation, benthic habitat mapping, restoration projects, resource management, emergency response, and coastal resiliency and hazards. Please see our FCMaP Hub at:
*All times are shown in Eastern Standard Time*
Day 1: November 30th,1-5p ET; In-Person Social to follow until 7p ET
*Keynote: NOMEC & Other State Mapping Initiatives: AK Mapping Overview (Meredith Westington & Ashley Chappell, NOAA IOCM)
*FCMaP STAC & Strategic Plan (Cheryl Hapke, USF)
*FIO FCMaP Office & Coordinator Role (Nicole Raineault, FIO)
*Updated Inventory & Review of Mapping Specs and Standards (Rene Baumstark, FWRI)
*Topobathy Lidar Specification (Jennifer Wozencraft, USACE)
*3D Nation Study Results (Ashley Chappell, NOAA IOCM & Sue
*Beyond Lidar Mapping Prioritization Overview (Rene Baumstark, FWRI)
*Break-out Groups by Geographic Areas:
1. Gulf Coast FL
2. Atlantic Coast FL
*Regional Reports from Breakout Discussions
*Day 1 Wrap Up
*In-Person Social
Day 2: December 1st, 9a-4:15p ET
*Keynote: Crowd-Sourced Bathymetry (Jennifer Jencks, NOAA NCEI)
*Crowd-Sourced Bathymetry Panel Discussion: Jennifer Jencks (NCEI); Tim Kearns (Great Lakes Observing System/Lakebed 2030); Sarah Grasty (USF/COMIT); Brian Calder (UNH-CCOM)
*Federal & Academic Mapping Updates (Lightning Talks): What’s Been Mapped in Past Year and Near-Term Future Plans
*Open Comment/Discussion
Lunch (provided)
*Florida Seafloor Mapping Initiative: Overview, Data Archive & Accessibility (Kimberly Jackson, FDEP)
*Discussion of FSMI Data Product Plans & Needs
*Storm response discussion
*Open comment/discussion
*Summit Wrap Up
Organized by Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute -