You’re invited to attend an opening reception at the Gallery at Creative Pinellas for the Art in Recovery: Artwork from the Sixth Judicial Circuit Adult Drug/Veterans Treatment Court Exhibition happening Wednesday, May 24 from 6pm – 8pm. Free.
The Sixth Judicial Circuit Adult Drug Treatment Court is a court-supervised, comprehensive drug treatment court for eligible non-violent defendants. The program is voluntary and has many steps, including multiple appearances before the Adult Drug/Veterans Treatment Court Judge. In addition to treatment and testing, participants have the option of completing a variety of “challenges” to improve their mental and physical health. Veterans Treatment Court is very similar to Drug Court, but specific for veterans. The mission of Veterans Treatment Court is to divert veterans from jail and to provide help to overcome service-related substance abuse and mental health problems.
This exhibition will feature artwork on display in the Gallery at Creative Pinellas from participants in the program who chose to complete the “Art Challenge” as part of their recovery process. These self-reflective works range from the intuitive to the highly trained; all providing a window into the highly personal work of recovery.
Organized by Creative Pinellas