The Stephanie A. Wynn Foundation proudly presents the 2nd Annual Let's Talk IBD Health and Wellness Symposium, an event dedicated to heightening awareness of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) within the African American community. Given the higher prevalence of this chronic condition among underserved African Americans, our mission is to collaborate with healthcare organizations, community partners to uplift and assist those from underserved backgrounds living with IBD, aiming to enhance their quality of life. Emphasizing the importance of this, our spotlight theme for 2024 is ACCESS.
By creating visibility for this neglected issue, the summit aims to contribute to the development of more effective ways to support and empower individuals with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) as they navigate their healthcare journey. Through a variety of panel discussions, and other interactive activities, the symposium will bring together patients, caregivers, healthcare professionals, and other stakeholders to share knowledge and experiences, build connections, and work together towards a common goal of improving the lives of those affected by Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD).
Organized by The Stephanie A. Wynn Foundation, Inc.