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Exit Interview: USFSP CoB Dean Sri Sundaram

Joe Hamilton



Sri Sundaram, dean of the University of South Florida’s Kate Tiedemann School of Business and Finance, has accepted a position with Cal State Fullerton’s College of Business and Economics, effective July 15.

Click the triangle above to watch our exit interview video with Dean Sundaram.


When you look back on your last couple of years, what stands out?

Comparing USF to a Cal State Fullerton type of institution with many large research partnerships – where do we have space to grow with regard to research partnerships between USF and local corporations?

When you’re in California and people ask you what St. Pete is all about, how will you position the St. Pete brand?

What were the outcomes, positive or negative, that surprised you about the USF consolidation?

What USF project that you are working on now will you most miss having the chance to see through?

What made the Cal State job a can’t-say-no opportunity?

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    sonny foreman

    April 30, 2021at3:13 pm

    good video interview. In depth and important to keep the USF program integrated into the community

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