Years in Tampa Bay
Last year, my girlfriend and I moved back to the States from working and traveling in New Zealand and Eastern Europe. We decided to try out Florida’s west coast and decided St. Petersburg is where we wanted to build our future.
Hustle (job)
Personal trainer; strength and conditioning coach.
What do you do?
We own IM Possible Personal Training. We custom design programs that are systematic and progressive for each individual’s needs. We focus on helping you to create positive changes around your fitness routine and nutritional choices. Our main goal is to help teach people of all ages that strength, mobility, and conditioning of the body are essential for aging. I also work for the New York Yankees’ Performance Department in Tampa, helping with research and methods in making better athletes.
Why do you do it?
Because we love educating and building confidence in our community. We love setting systems up to help you build your goals and achieve them. I could not see myself doing anything else but teaching what I love learning about and dedicated all my life to it while I help my community become self-aware.
What was your Catalyst? (How did you get started?)
When I graduated from university with an exercise science degree, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do. I applied for a job in Kuwait as an athletic performance coach and it propelled me into trying to be the best coach I can be. Since then I have lived in New Zealand, Colombia and other parts of the States working in the fitness and sports industry field for other companies. When I moved back I decided that I wanted to bring all the knowledge that I have learned over the years and teach others under my own curriculum.
What’s a common misconception or unknown aspect of what you do?
The fitness industry is not regulated. Everyone thinks every personal trainer or coach is the same, but few look into their education or background. You can get a personal trainer certification online and start working the next day. So I always urge people looking into hiring a personal trainer to look for higher levels of education to make sure your “professional” is the right fit for the job. Look for degrees in exercise science, internship experience, certification from the big “3” (NSCA, NASM, ACE), and conferences attended. Just because you can train yourself does not mean you should train anyone else.
What’s the most challenging part of your Hustle?
Not enough hours in the day. Apart from loving coaching, I love information. I love reading anything and everything relating to the exercise science field and business entrepreneurship. Sometimes I will find myself working 8-10 hours a day with clients and then going home and reading up on the latest research in human performance.
What’s the most valuable piece of business advice/insight that’s helped you?
Be adaptable. Every field is changing and you have to make sure you stay up-to-date with new research, technology, equipment and literature to keep yourself current with your field.
We offer one-on-one and semi-private personal training services to the Saint Petersburg area. We work with local nutritionists, mental conditioning coaches, and massage therapists to ensure we are molding the ultimate routines for you and your lifestyle. Our goal for the future is to offer seminars through our network of professionals that are open to the public so that we can share our knowledge and resources with the community.
Spending time with our dog Tootsie, playing water polo, and experimenting with new research and methods in the gym.