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Posted By Joe Hamilton


Jeff Alagood started as a software developer in 1996. Now, he's Chief Strategy Officer at AgileThought, where he's responsible for innovating development solutions and processes. Alagood is responsible for enhancing scalability and value of AgileThought's custom software for clients - helping them solve problems and meet challenges using an agile, incremental approach. Jeff also serves as Chair of Tampa Bay Tech, and resides on Tampa Bay with his wife and four children.

Years in St. Pete

11 years

Organizations involved in

Tampa Bay Tech for a number of years, currently serve as chair. Big Brothers, Big Sisters, and a number of other organizations here locally.

What gets you out of bed every day?

Thinking about our employees. When I think about our company and where people are growing and what they’re doing and what they’re excited to be doing and what they’re nervous about. Those are the things that keep me up and get me up every morning.

Why St. Pete?

St. Pete is a transforming city. If you’ve been here for 5-10 years, you’ve seen a change and its almost a transformational look. When you look at what’s occurred downtown, from the revitalization side, its been phenomenal. Twenty years ago, the Vinoy was not really a thing and now it’s the mecca, the center of weekend life. There’s something to do every night, there’s great dining, some of the finest restaurants. Outdoors, everything’s on the water, everything’s got a view. It just makes it the place to be.

What is one habit that you keep?

Each morning when I wake up, I actually do walk outside and take a look. I live on the bay, it just kinda calms me in the morning, get’s me started off right with a cup of coffee, sets the pace for the day.

Who are some people that influence you?

My wife is an influencer. Absolutely passionate about getting our kids off to the right start. Professionally, we’ve got so many great companies here. We’ve got some real givers in the community. These guys are out there, making sure they’re out in the community leading by example and so it’s easy to find a mentor to look up to and try to emulate where you can.

What is one piece of insight - a book, methodology, practice - that you would share with our readers?

A book titled Predictable Success, by Les McKeown. Who we found at an interesting point in our organization’s history at our ten year anniversary. We found ourself at a pivot point in the company and just trying to understand how to best communicate with the organization and to do to make sure everyone’s input is heard but have everyone understand where we are, we’re in a learning mode. We recommended the book to all of our employees and we actually had Les come in and speak at our 10 year anniversary.

What is one thing you wish you knew about your work 3 years ago?

I wish I knew where the individuals we have today were three years ago. We would have been able to accelerate faster if we could understand where those folks were to help. We’ve had some great advisors along the way and I think it took us a little longer than anticipated to get a good set of advisors to help us. And I think that’s key.

What’s next?

We’re going to continue to develop and grow. There’s huge growth opportunities in what we do and in the technology field in general, custom software is in the center of that. Opportunities around AI and machine learning are almost boundless at this stage so I think we’ll see a tremendous growth in that area. Our intellectual property, studios, collaborative efforts.

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