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James Museum opening free community co-working space

Bill DeYoung



Mesa Hall is the James Museum of Western & Wildlife Art's 5,875-square-foot meeting and dining room. Photo provided.

Starting Sunday, the James Museum of Western & Wildlife Art will temporarily open its 5,875-square-foot meeting and dining area, Mesa Hall, as an open community and co-working space and a place to “unwind.” No fee or reservation is required for entry to the first floor room, which is being made available to individuals and families; children (who must remain with a parent or guardian) will be provided with coloring sheets and art supplies.

The James Museum is offering free wi-fi; clean, accessible restrooms; complimentary lockers (to secure items while guests work); an additional quiet room for guests with sensory needs. Guests may bring water and light snacks.

Initial hours of operation are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 6; Monday, Oct. 7; Thursday, Oct. 10; Friday; Oct. 11; Saturday, Oct. 12; Sunday, Oct. 13.

The James Museum of Western & Wildlife Art is located at 150 Central Ave.



  1. Avatar

    Cal Tiger

    October 6, 2024at7:32 am

    As a member of James Museum and a big fan of coworking spaces, I am very happy to see this community initiative!

    You may be interested in how coworking, makerspaces and Incubators can work together to build a thriving environment here in Pinellas County.

    Pls check out>>
    TBBJ article on Blue Ocean Makers

    Best, Cal Tiger
    Local entrepreneur

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    Lex Brown

    October 5, 2024at4:29 pm

    Wow! An awesome idea and initiative.

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    Scott Simmons

    October 5, 2024at3:08 pm

    This is wonderful and much needed. Way to go Tom!

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