PikMyKid proposes using its technology to speed drive-thru Covid-19 testing

PikMyKid has proposed using the technology behind its school safety systems to make drive-thru testing for Covid-19 faster, safer and more efficient.
Testing is key to flattening the Covid-19 curve and stemming the spread of coronavirus, according to a project summary from PikMyKid.
The company wants to develop a DriveThruTest application that builds on its core carline automation technology. The DriveThruTest app would allow patients to register online, answer questionnaires, choose test sites, plan arrival, expedite testing and receive results seamlessly.
There’s nothing concrete right now, and the proposal to use the technology for drive-thru testing is still just that —a proposal, said Pat Bhava, founder and CEO of PikMyKid, a Tampa company with a a Software-as-a-Service platform that’s used to make the process for parents picking up their children after school faster and safer.
Related: PikMyKid’s profile on PitchLyst
The DriveThruTest proposal been presented to high-level national and state government officials and private sector companies, but funding is key.

Pat Bhava
“We are still waiting for funding to come through before we can deliver on the product,” Bhava said. “We understand the timeline is really critical. It is needed now, but we can’t start working on it unless we have funding secured for it.”
The DriveThruTest app “is designed to allow patients to quickly register and prequalify for the Covid-19 test, to select the testing site where demand surge is low and to automatically announce their arrival on site so as to make the entire testing procedure more efficient,” the project summary said. “For the health care worker, the process is safer, faster, and easier to manage the patients as they arrive for the test.”
PikMyKid also would generate real-time infection heat maps for analytics and accurate prediction modeling based on data in patient questionnaires.
A White House task force is reviewing the plan, as is the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority and AFWERX, a community of Air Force innovators.
Amazon Web Services has provided a letter of intent to partner on the initiative, Bhava said.