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While Peter Schorsch holds many titles — blogger, consultant and editor-in-chief of Florida Politics, the most influential political website in the Sunshine State — the one which he’s proudest is “husband and father.” That’s what makes his new podcast so exciting: Peter’s co-host, a woman every bit as accomplished as he is — his wife, Michelle Todd Schorsch. “He Said, She Said” has Peter and Michelle — previously a respected political consultant, now the CEO of the bustling Schorsch household — discussing the driving topics of the day, especially how politics really goes down in Florida. But the political talk is just a jumping off point to a wide-range of subject matter, from the latest in pop culture to some very strong opinions on family life and parenting. Listen in to hear how one political couple balances it all.

05/09/2019 | Episode 011 | 2:02:51

He Said, She Said: Sine Die with Sen. Rob Bradley and Rep. Jackie Toledo

It's a run for the roses (and Sine Die) with post-Session thoughts from Sen. Rob Bradley and Rep. Jackie Toledo. Plus the Royal baby, Game of Thrones, and the worst hot take ever

On this episode of He Said, She Said, Michelle and Peter recap the 2019 legislative session, tally the winners and losers, and talk about the bills that will affect the daily lives of Floridians for years to come. Peter explains why he thinks the 2019 session was consequential and NOT historic. They welcome Senate Appropriations Chair Rob Bradley to the pod to talk budget process, along with Rep. Jackie Toledo, a key legislator behind Florida's new texting and driving ban. They wax poetic on the Kentucky Derby, The Royal baby, and Game of Thrones (again).

Key Insights

  • Peter and Michelle recap the 2019 legislative session: They talk Florida Politics reporting this session; bills they like and bills they dislike.
  • Kentucky Derby: A family affair watching the races turned into a major upset for Ella Joyce.
  • State Senator Rob Bradley comes on the podcast to talk about North Florida and the budget. Sen. Bradley laments the lack of local North Florida newspaper coverage.
  • Peter calls the 2019 session as a "consequential" session, where legislators finally "put points on the board" on a number of ongoing issues.
  • Peter and Sen. Bradley talk budget negotiations and why the session went an extra day. They talk about why there is a 72-hour window for the budget to be open to the public before it is passed, despite the fact that it can't be changed.
  • Sprinkle: Money left over at the end of the budget and why that money/those projects are important
  • Peter previews his Legislative Wrap-up schedule and his Tiger Bay tour.
  • Peter and Michelle discuss the characterization of the session, whether it be conservative, libertarian, Trumpian, or whatever adjective one might use, the session does not fit cleanly into boxes.
  • Rep. Jackie Toledo talks post-session and her work on the texting while driving ban. She fought to make texting while driving a primary offense instead of a secondary offense.
  • Texting while driving bans are the new seatbelt laws. Rep. Toledo believes this change will significantly impact Floridians' lives and hopes technology will evolve to help drive it.
  • Rep. Toledo helped win $2.5 million for TBARTA; 1 million for appropriations for mental health, crisis stabilization; affordable housing, The Holocaust Museum, stormwater projects, FIBA, and USF.
  • Peter is not happy with Game of Thrones' final season, and gives us some hot takes on how horrible the latest episode was.
  • Peter has some controversial hot takes about Mother's Day and Kindergarten Graduation.
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About the host

While Peter Schorsch holds many titles — blogger, consultant and editor-in-chief of Florida Politics, the most influential political website in the Sunshine State — the one of which he’s proudest is “husband and father.” That’s what makes his new podcast so exciting. Peter’s co-host is a woman every bit as accomplished as he is: his wife, Michelle Todd Schorsch. “He Said, She Said” has Peter and Michelle — previously a respected political consultant, now the CEO of the bustling Schorsch household — discussing the driving topics of the day, especially how politics really goes down in Florida. 

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