Free 1 Hr. LIVE Online Session Hosted by: Dale Carnegie Tampa Bay There are unique challenges that salespeople face when they conduct a virtual sales call. Clients won’t...
Topic: Financing Is your nonprofit organization looking for additional funding and considering pursuing grants to meet this need? Is your organization ready? Join this webinar to...
*Seating is limited. Please use the “Tickets” link to register for this event. Marking “Interested” or “Going” does not register you for this session. Each month...
The Studio@620 and Keep St. Pete Lit are keeping poetry open mic happening virtually on the last Wednesday of each month via ZOOM! Now you can...
Get ready for Thanksgiving with a fun and delicious tasting! We’ll be trying four champagnes and four still wines so you can plan dinner 🙂 This...
Presented by The Florida Holocaust Museum in partnership with Hillsborough County Public Library Cooperative, listen to Holocaust Survivor Marie Silverman tell her story, which includes her...
Are you trying to navigate the waters of Social Media while building your business? Come learn the tips and tricks to be a social guru!
Calling all conscious business leaders, employees and students! Whether you’re just embarking on your sustainability journey, are a friend of the Conscious Capitalism movement, a...
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, Pinellas County is already experiencing the impact of the moratorium’s expiration on evictions. While the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was...
In a recent poll of global talent professionals, 91% agreed that the presence of soft skills – in résumés, covers letters, and in responses to interview...