Now more than ever is the best time to advertise online. With businesses and big brands pulling their advertising spends it’s a great time to market your...
The purpose of the Nonprofit Connect: 1. Give nonprofit leaders a place to gather and learn. Provide topics for discussion as well as the opportunity for...
Friend Raiser is going VIRTUAL! This year is especially ‘sparktacular’ as we pivot to go virtual and on-line while celebrating 20 years of working with children...
Serving on a board is a wonderful way to support a cause that you care about and can also be a powerful way to build your...
Synapse Florida is planning an all digital, three day, interactive experience created by innovators for innovators and brought to you by Synapse Florida. What makes this...
Reducing Waste – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle RIGHT! “There is no such thing as ‘away’. When we throw anything away it must go somewhere.” Waste reduction...
Join us for a socially distant safe way to support our community! An event put on by Reach St.Pete and sponsored by Coast Bikes How it...
The Head & Heart Luncheon is Frameworks of Tampa Bay’s annual signature fundraising event. As a nonprofit organization, Frameworks relies on generous supporters to continue and...
Just doing our part for the community, we love. Every mask is printed with “GOOD VIBES” on the front promoting positivity all around St Pete. DRIVE-THRU...
Help us raise money for our Scholarship Fund! Why have we changed to a Virtual 5K? For the health and safety of everyone, the City of...