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St. Pete’s storm recovery enters a new chapter

Mark Parker



Floodplain manager Hannah Rebholz (let) assists residents with permitting concerns at a City Hall on Tour event Wednesday. Photos by Mark Parker.

The first City Hall on Tour event of 2025 highlighted a new $160 million storm recovery initiative – Sunrise St. Pete – and provided an informal environment for rebuilding residents to speak directly with staff.

Mayor Ken Welch said he was proud of how the community has responded to back-to-back hurricanes, and those who expressed frustration with the city in the immediate aftermath “are now thanking us for the job that we did.” Many residents were able to resolve – or at least better understand – persistent issues after attending the event, held Wednesday evening at the Coliseum.

While directors and staff from 25 municipal departments were on hand to meet and guide constituents, the primary focus was to provide a forum for public feedback on the Sunrise St. Pete initiative. Welch called it an “impactful opportunity to make meaningful, long-term improvements to make our city more resilient.”

“Your input is vital in shaping this mission; your voice matters and will guide the way forward,” Welch told attendees. “Remember, this is our city. This is our home, and we are in this together.”

Whitney Blair, senior resilience coordinator, explains the Sunrise St. Pete program.

Attendees could visit an alcove dedicated to Sunrise St. Pete and learn about what is allowable under federal guidelines. They could also list and discuss projects that propel the city’s long-term recovery and resiliency. An online survey will remain open until April 4.

The funding stems from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Community Development Block Grant program. St. Petersburg was one of two Florida cities, and three nationwide (Asheville, North Carolina), awarded in January. Fort Lauderdale will receive $88 million.

Local governments can use the money to replace and rebuild damaged affordable housing, strengthen infrastructure and support affected small businesses. St. Petersburg must allocate $139 million to unmet storm recovery needs and $20.85 million to mitigation efforts.

At least 70% of the money, about $112 million, must go to households earning 80% or less of the area median income. Community feedback and a needs assessment are the first steps to creating a HUD-approved action plan.

The city also has more immediate assistance for storm victims. Amy Foster, housing and neighborhood services administrator, said officials have received over 300 We Are St. Pete Fund applications in the past two weeks.

Welch called the HUD funding an “impactful amount of money.” However, he also noted the city has some costly decisions to make, and his three-year streak of lowering St. Petersburg’s property tax rate will end in October.

“We’ve got investments that we just have to make right now,” Welch added. “I think the community is ready for that, and I’m looking forward to it.”

Mayor Ken Welch made himself available to speak with residents individually.

Supporting and preserving affordable housing will remain a focus despite officials identifying $1.5 billion in resiliency projects to complete over the next five years. Welch echoed a previous comment from Councilmember Brandi Gabbard and noted that flood-prone coastal neighborhoods like Shore Acres and Riviera Bay are not exclusive to high-income households.

Welch called the cost of elevating homes jarring. He also believes that dedicating some of the HUD funding to help families remain in place would support the city’s affordable stock and reduce the number of displaced lower-income residents who live inland.

“You are going to see some of that,” Welch said of climate gentrification. “That’s why it’s important that we preserve existing affordable housing and do it with a long-term window.”

To participate in the Sunrise St. Pete survey, visit the website here.

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