A husband-and-wife duo’s ambitious plans to transform a neglected, decaying 100-year-old religious landmark in St. Petersburg into a unique event space are now crumbling like the...
An abandoned hospital in St. Petersburg resembles a set piece from an apocalyptic television series. It will soon become a vibrant affordable housing development for low-income...
A husband-and-wife duo hopes to breathe new life into a neglected, decaying 100-year-old religious landmark in St. Petersburg. Noam Krasniansky bought the Euclid Methodist Church, also...
Transforming 33 miles of disused rail lines into multi-use urban trails has generated $10 billion in economic development along Atlanta’s BeltLine, among myriad other municipal benefits....
A 97-year-old Standard Oil service station, one of St. Petersburg’s first (if not the very first) auto facilities, received Local Landmark designation and will now become...