Making her second career appearance with American Stage, Miami-based actress Rita Cole plays “The King” in The Figs, a “once upon a time” fable by playwright...
American Stage is back in action this week, with the opening of its midsummer, season-ending show and the official launch of a fundraising campaign to “save”...
How do you dramatize the bottom line? American Stage’s springtime show in Demens Landing Park is in jeopardy, according to the theater company’s producing artistic director....
At painted face value, the tale of transgender rock performer Hansel Schmidt is tragic in the extreme: One failure after another, a life of poverty and...
Claude, Berger, Woof, Sheila and the rest of the “tribe” will take over Demens Landing Park in next spring, as American Stage produces the groundbreaking 1960s...
The curtain comes up on American Stage’s production of Disney’s Beauty and the Beast tonight at Demens Landing, and Producing Artistic Director Helen R. Murray is...
American Stage’s production of the Lloyd Suh drama The Chinese Lady got even more dramatic last week, as the lead performer was replaced, for the final...
During an early rehearsal of The Chinese Lady, director Gregory Keng Strasser told his cast that “Some people will not live to hear a discordant note...
Is it a nature walk? Or a scavenger hunt? Is it just some silly play? Or is it Halloween Horror Nights? The new show from American...
There’s rarely a dull moment in St. Petersburg. Arts, culture and entertainment are continually vibrant, continually challenging and continually changing … all signs of a healthy...