City Councilmember Ed Montanari, channeling former President Ronald Reagan, said his goal for Thursday’s much-anticipated discussion on the historic Gas Plant District’s $6.5 billion redevelopment was...
The City of St. Petersburg released long-awaited Historic Gas Plant redevelopment terms April 25, providing stakeholders with critical project details established through several months of negotiations...
A cavalcade of nonprofit and elected officials described a new housing development’s local and national significance Friday morning. Walter Sloan wants them to know they saved...
The blue-tarped fencing surrounding an excavation site in Lakewood Elementary School’s shadow represents hope for some teachers and parents who will watch the development gradually take...
St. Petersburg officials are purchasing a dilapidated home that blocks views of city-owned Harbordale Park and provides cover for illegal activities. City council members unanimously authorized...
The City of St. Petersburg has launched its $1 million Innovative Equity Project that allows residents to vote on funding recipients. That is not the only...
A public opinion poll commissioned by the Tampa Bay Rays found St. Petersburg and Pinellas County residents overwhelming support plans to build the team a new...
A recent housing update provided several notable statistics as St. Petersburg’s leadership works to facilitate 7,800 new units by 2030. Amy Foster, housing development administrator, began...
Representatives from the two local governing bodies that will soon vote on new Tampa Bay Rays stadium agreements attempted to assuage concerns from their political base...
City officials project that St. Petersburg will spend $6.8 billion on capital improvements over the next 30 years, with water resources and infrastructure improvements accounting for...