St. Petersburg native Sky Lineberger has loved cosplay – creating and modeling replicas of garments from pop culture – since she was a teenager, using it...
Less than three years have elapsed since Dewey Caruthers, a comic book fan, collector and self-professed “comic nerd,” invited everyone over to play at the St....
In just over a year, St. Petersburg’s Dewey Caruthers has become Con man No. 1 for all of West Central Florida. That’s Con with a capital...
St. Petersburg held its first-ever comic con over the weekend, merging the worlds of superheroes, villains, sci-fi, fantasy, anime and cosplay together under one roof. Thousands...
Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away, the phrase “comic con” meant, simply, an organized gathering (a.k.a. convention) of comic book fans, getting together to...