As individuals, we can enact positive change within our communities. Through acts of kindness, both big and small, we can make a difference that benefits those...
Summer is a slow time for many businesses, and nonprofits are no exception. Many of our local nonprofits see a dip in volunteer engagement, but the...
Giving back to the community never goes out of style, but sometimes it can be difficult to know where your efforts are most needed. If you’re...
As the sun blankets St. Pete with its relentless heat, find solace by helping out a local nonprofit (in the cool confines of air-conditioned spaces, of...
Giving back to the community never goes out of style, but sometimes it can be difficult to know where your efforts are most needed. If you’re...
Looking to find ways to give back to your friends and neighbors in but aren’t sure where to start? Let the Catalyst’s Impact Connector be your...
Can it be true? Is it nearly June already? If you’ve been meaning to devote more time to helping your friends and neighbors in 2021 but...
Searching for ways to help out in the community but unsure where to start? The Catalyst’s Impact Connector is your one-stop shop for volunteer opportunities. Whether you...
It’s a new month – what better way to kick it off than by helping your friends and neighbors right here in your community? The Catalyst’s Impact Connector...
Searching for volunteer opportunities in your community but not sure where to start? We make it easy to give back with the Catalyst’s Impact Connector. Here are five...