Despite today’s educators facing myriad challenges, Pinellas County Schools (PCS) Superintendent Kevin Hendrick eagerly anticipates providing excitement and stability for local youth in his second year...
A local nonprofit that shelters, mentors, and guides teenage girls forced to run away from the most harrowing experiences imaginable received over $16,000 to further its...
Hundreds of local students will receive hands-on art, music and literacy education Wednesday on the Mahaffey Theater’s outdoor plaza. And have fun, too. Now in its...
A new, multi-year grant from United Way Suncoast (UWS) is helping the Boys and Girls Club of the Suncoast (BGCS) transform how it serves over 21,000...
Maria Scruggs realizes that addressing the many issues under the racial equity umbrella can be a daunting task, which is why the Phyllis Wheatley Rise to...
Lorielle Hollaway founded Cultured Books to cultivate curiosity and inspire impact among area youth – especially among children of color – by promoting a literacy lifestyle....
Look for more contests in the next few months from the St. Petersburg travel insurance comparison company that just gave away $30,000 in prize money. Squaremouth...
When the YMCA of Greater St. Petersburg was asked to consider taking over a popular after-school child literacy program, president and CEO David W. Jezek said...