Dr. Bill Goodman fancies himself a “real-world Tony Stark,” better known as Iron Man in Marvel comic lore, due to his unique work with robotics and...
Mitigating the opioid epidemic is St. Petersburg-based microNeb’s primary focus. However, a clinical-stage pharmaceutical company believes the medical technology startup’s novel inhaler could eliminate the need...
A pair of exhibits opening Friday at the St. Petersburg Museum of History explore the American experience from decidedly different angles. American Soldier: Conflicts, Shipwrecks, and...
Renowned journalist Bob Woodruff and members of his foundation are disbursing $5 million to organizations throughout Tampa Bay and the state to help veterans impacted by...
Tampa-based nonprofit Project Dyanmo’s leadership returned from evacuating Maui wildfire victims just in time to prepare for an emergency much closer to home – Hurricane Idalia....
A small business headquartered in the St. Petersburg Innovation District trains military and intelligence personnel for irregular and conventional warfare, and helps civilian companies protect critical...
Nearly 170,000 veterans reside in Hillsborough and Pinellas Counties, and many lack access to much-needed behavioral health care. U.S. Army combat veteran Paul Kim, founder of...
While it doesn’t affect company earnings or the team’s outlook, St. Petersburg-based Jabil and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers recently made a significant impact on the lives...
The Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority is planning to expand its SunRunner fleet and access to residents. The SunRunner service, a 10.3-miles bus rapid transit line that...
A St. Petersburg startup plans to secure the future through the world’s oldest random number generator – physically manipulating dice. Data networks hold copious amounts of...