Share 3 items we’ll always find in your bag or on your desk, and why they are there.
Share 3 items we’ll always find in your bag or on your desk, and why they are there.
Share 3 items we’ll always find in your bag or on your desk, and why they are there.
Share 3 items we’ll always find in your bag or on your desk, and why they are there.
Who are 3 people that influence you? Please choose one from your immediate life, one from the world at large and one from history.
Who are 3 people that influence you? Please choose one from your immediate life, one from the world at large and one from history.
Who are 3 people that influence you? Please choose one from your immediate life, one from the world at large and one from history.
Who are 3 people that influence you? Please choose one from your immediate life, one from the world at large and one from history.
Episode 2 question: Who are 3 people that influence you? Please choose one from your immediate life, one from the world at large and one from...
Episode 1 question: What are the 3 personality traits that will guide you as Mayor?