Valkyrie, an artificial intelligence-focused applied science research and development company, will soon hitch a ride to the Moon with a St. Petersburg startup. Austin-based Valkyrie announced...
Dr. Bill Goodman fancies himself a “real-world Tony Stark,” better known as Iron Man in Marvel comic lore, due to his unique work with robotics and...
St. Petersburg-based Lonestar Data Holdings’ leadership decided to think outside the box, literally and figuratively, when preparing for a second mission to the Moon. The company’s...
A St. Petersburg-based company’s ambitious plan to transmit data from space has taken a significant step forward as its first payload is now flying to the...
A Mexican-American astronaut whose life inspired a movie and a former vice president at Virgin Orbit will help lead St. Peterburg-based Lonestar Data Holding into the...
The top C-suite women executives leading the charge from tech and e-commerce giants such as Amazon and Microsoft will meet in Tampa to share how they’ve...
A floating seaweed mass that was once 5,000 miles long and visible from space has virtually disappeared from the Gulf of Mexico, leaving local scientists searching...
Researchers at St. Petersburg’s Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital (JHACH) are analyzing an engineered heart tissue that has returned from space. The “tissue-on-a-chip” traveled to the...
A serendipitous eBay purchase led to a University of South Florida professor discovering a new phosphorus material in its solid form for the first time on...
For the past seven years, national agencies have tasked researchers at the University of South Florida St. Petersburg with tracking an ever-growing accumulation of what most...