The struggling South St. Pete community, where the majority of residents living in poverty heavily rely on limited public transit options, will have more connections to...
Entrepreneurs in the South St. Petersburg Community Redevelopment Area (CRA) can soon apply for city funding to bolster their small business, startup or “side hustle.” The...
The recently announced closure of a Pinellas Park Walmart Neighborhood Market has county officials concerned for residents – not for people living in that city, but...
A vacant corner lot along the main street running through St. Petersburg’s Deuces corridor will now be a new gathering space for uniting the local neighborhood....
The multi-pronged Sankofa project, which includes affordable housing and commercial uses, is facing challenges due to contaminated soil at the South St. Pete site. The project site...
Despite St. Petersburg’s urbanization and lack of agricultural zoning, city officials are moving an initiative forward that allows the St. Petersburg Youth Farm to keep chickens...
Officials with Metropolitan Ministries are establishing a presence in South St. Pete to help transform communities in two zip codes with high childhood poverty rates by...
The reopening event for a reimagined Center for Health Equity was a passionate affair, meant to stoke community pride and togetherness while highlighting the need to...
St. Petersburg city council members recently heard how implementing neighborhood plans can increase community safety, spur economic development and even stem gentrification in predominantly Black neighborhoods,...
We’re asking thought leaders, business people, and creatives to talk about 2023 and give us catalyzing ideas for making St. Pete a better place to live....