For the second installment of his Tampa Bay Tropics series, novelist George L. Fleming focused on perhaps the most despicable of all contemporary crimes: Human sex...
The news from Tallahassee was good this week – St. Petersburg’s Paul Wilborn was awarded a gold medal in General Fiction by the Florida Book Awards,...
A literary honor has been established by St. Petersburg Press, and named for writer, editor and teacher Roy Peter Clark. The public is invited to nominate...
David C. Edmonds, Ph.D. holds an impressive array of titles: Former U.S. Marine, Senior Fulbright Professor of Economics, academic dean, Peace Corps volunteer, government official in...
Click the arrow above to play the full conversation between George Fleming and St. Pete Catalyst Publisher Joe Hamilton. St. Petersburg Press published author George Fleming’s...
Bill DeYoung has been writing about music (and getting paid for it, I might add) since his very first story for his hometown newspaper, the St....
On the cover of George L. Fleming’s debut novel, Bad Habits, a woman stands at water’s edge holding a fishing rod, silhouetted by blood-red Florida surf....