First emerging into the public consciousness as contestants on Rupaul’s Drag Race, Trixie Mattel (Brian Firkus) and Katya Zamolodchikova (Brian McCook) has become perhaps the best-known...
Mark Cantrell, who became the CEO of the St. Petersburg-based Florida Orchestra in 2019, has announced his resignation, effective in May. TFO reports that Cantrell will...
The Florida Orchestra’s chamber concert series begins Friday at a new venue – Clearwater’s 98-year-old Church of the Ascension, an imposing white monument to classic gothic...
Consider the tuba, the Rodney Dangerfield of brass instruments. When it comes to powerhouses of the orchestra, there’s just no respect there. There are, in fact,...
The Florida Orchestra, to be sure, attracts big audiences for its entire October-to-May season. Still, the most well-attended concert every year is Holiday Pops. It’s such...
Behind every great work of art, there’s always a story. As Florida Orchestra music director Michael Francis explains it, the facts and legends behind Igor Stravinsky’s...
While St. Petersburg voters will ultimately decide the fate of the Dali Museum’s long-debated expansion next month, one key stakeholder remains opposed to the idea. The...
Carl Orff’s sprawling cantata Carmina Burana comprises the bulk of The Florida Orchestra’s season-starting concerts this weekend. These epic performances feature the Master Chorale of Tampa...
Now this is more like it. After a long, dry summer without the bay area’s regular rich complement of music, theater and other shows, October is...
It happens every couple of years, less often than a presidential election, but more frequently than an appearance in the night sky by Halley’s Comet. One...