Stageworks is the longest-lived professional company in Tampa; October will bring Season 41, with six shows ranging from the familiar (tweaked, somewhat) to the provocative. And...
Sunday afternoon, Tampa Bay jazz musicians will come together on the Palladium Theater’s Hough Hall stage (that’s the big one) to celebrate the life and times...
A young woman of Puerto Rican descent travels from her home in the continental United States to visit relatives on the island, and discovers there’s more...
This weekend: More rock, and more roll. Everybody and everything has an anniversary sometime, right? This year, it’s the pop/punk band Yellowcard, which came out of...
An earnest, well-intentioned dig for familial roots forms the core of Carmen Rivera’s drama La Gringa, opening July 19 at American Stage. American-bred Maria Elena Garcia...
The question is not, did she do it? Did Lizzie Borden take an axe and give her mother 40 whacks? In Lizzie: The Musical, a rock...
Every summer, on both sides of the bay, theater companies invite children to participate in theater camp. Community theaters, and even some of the professionals, have...
On June 24, 1935, actor Francis Wilson stood in front of a crowd of about 100 people on North Fort Harrison Avenue in Clearwater. The occasion...
Never let a little oppressive summer heat get in the way of a good old-fashioned concert experience. This month’s column will start with the scheduled outdoor...
Pride Month in St. Pete comes to a full rolling boil this weekend, with the bayfront festival and parade happening Saturday. Find all details on official...