The characters and scenarios created by William Shakespeare for Macbeth, his epic tragedy of Scotland, were a mash-up of fact (real people and events from history)...
Ecole Jacques Lecoq is a Parisian school devoted to physical theater training – utilizing body, space, movement and an intense focus on collaboration and interaction with...
Dancer and choreographer Alex Jones, like others in his chosen field, would like to see dance carve out a larger profile in the bay area. There...
Jazz fusion, an adventurous and powerful blend of styles hammered together to send something complex (and entirely new) out of your stereo speakers, arrived in the...
She tried, God knows she tried to look into a career that guaranteed financial stability. But Kellie Harmon is an artist – and artists, at the...
There’s something haunting about still photographs of movement, of fleeting beats of time captured and held. And photographs of dancers in action, with muscles flexed, limbs...
What’s felt like a long theater blight has really only been a month or two, but now that summer’s finally drawing to a close, the bay...
Just days after the discovery of “extreme” concentrations of microplastics in the North Atlantic, the James Museum of Western and Wildlife Art is hosting a traveling...
Tonight’s concert performance from the area musicians known collectively as Classical Revolution will be slightly less low-key than usual. The group’s monthly appearances in SubCentral, the...
The three self-absorbed characters who make up the cast of Jean-Paul Sartre’s exploration of hell, No Exit – and they’re a real basket of deplorables –...