Friday, July 1, marked the start of a new era for the University of South Florida St. Petersburg, as Christian Hardigree officially began serving as its...
It is a sweltering late June afternoon in South St. Petersburg, but Carla Bristol seems unfazed by the heat as she directs a group of volunteers...
The University of South Florida announced the creation of the Global and National Security Institute Wednesday, with Kenneth F. “Frank” McKenzie, retired Marine Corps general and...
While surprised at Gov. Ron DeSantis’ veto of funding for a new oceanographic science center on the University of South Florida’s St. Petersburg campus, many local...
One in nine people over the age of 65 suffer from Alzheimer’s disease – colloquially known as “the long goodbye” – and the University of South...
State funding for the University of South Florida’s proposed Environmental and Oceanographic Sciences Research and Teaching Facility (EOS) seemed like a done deal until one stroke...
Following Wednesday’s announcement that University of South Florida President Rhea Law selected Christian Hardigree to lead the St. Petersburg campus, the two held their first public...
University of South Florida President Rhea Law announced Wednesday morning that she had selected Christian Hardigree to lead the St. Petersburg campus into the future as...
The Kate Tiedemann School of Business and Finance at the University of South Florida St. Petersburg was abuzz Monday as university officials announced a “transformative” $14...
St. Petersburg’s burgeoning financial technology scene continues to grow as Tampa Bay Wave and the University of South Florida have announced the inaugural cohort of startups...