Our guest is Helen Hartley, the former business reporter at the St. Petersburg Times. She uncovered a massive insurance and investment scam orchestrated by Lou Pearlman...
Our guest this week is Florida author Bob Kealing. Bob wrote a book all about one of Florida's most underappreciated entrepreneurs, Brownie Wise, who in the...
This week's guest, Carlton Ward Jr., has been instrumental in casting a vision for the Florida Wildlife Corridor. The Florida Wildlife Corridor imagines a contiguous linkage...
This week's episode begins with Craig Pittman and his wife encountering red tide near their home in St. Petersburg. Our guest is Cynthia Barnett, author of...
This week's episode begins with Craig's investigation of the MURDER of a Florida river. Our guest for this week is Punta Gorda native Jason Vuic, author...
This episode marks the one year anniversary of the "Welcome to Florida" podcast; Craig Pittman and Chadd Scott look back at the first 52 episodes. This...
This week's episode begins with good news for conservationists in Florida from a most unlikely place: the Florida state legislature. Craig also updates on a scary...
This week's episode begins with Craig throwing his hat in the ring for a new job! Don't worry about him leaving the podcast, the chances of...
This week's episode begins by discussing a puzzling decision by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission to recommend opening a fishing season on goliath grouper....
This week's episode feature Buck Island Ranch manager Gene Lollis. Buck Island Ranch is unlike any cattle ranch you've heard of. Buck Island Ranch is working...