Two years have passed since the unexpected death of Winter, the Clearwater Marine Aquarium’s world-famous bottlenose dolphin, and public interest in the mammal who lost her...
It took an independent team of scientific experts four months and 42 detailed pages to confirm what Clearwater Marine Aquarium CEO Joe Handy already knew: Aquarium...
The Pinellas County Department of Health and doctors at St. Petersburg’s Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital are monitoring an unusual spike in a respiratory virus ahead...
The story of Winter, the young bottlenose dolphin rescued on the east coast of Florida and brought back to life at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium, resonated...
A month after the unexpected death of Winter the dolphin, the Clearwater Marine Aquarium’s best-known resident, plans for a permanent memorial have been revealed. Via 360-degree...
The death of Winter the dolphin has affected people the world over. Winter’s inspirational story, of beating overwhelming odds and surviving, and then thriving, will doubtless...
Winter, the Clearwater Marine Aquarium’s star dolphin, died of an intestinal torsion – meaning she suffered from twisted intestines. The preliminary results of Winter’s necropsy (animal...
In another time, Winter the dolphin would have been forced to toss beachballs, play a toy piano with her snout and leap over limbo poles suspended...
The Clearwater Marine Aquarium is closed today, as the staff and volunteers mourn the loss of Winter, the dolphin whose rescue and rehabilitation was the crowning...
Winter, the Atlantic bottlenose dolphin whose true story of rescue and rehabilitation inspired the 2011 film Dolphin Tale, died at approximately 8 p.m. Thursday in her...