Tiger Bay: The view from the front lines of the COVID-19 battle [Video]
This virtual Suncoast Tiger Bay Meeting was held April 30, 2020.
Panelists include:
Dr. Juan Dumois, Pediatric Infectious Diseases physician at Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital
Keri Eisenbeis, Vice President of Government and Community Relations at BayCare Health System
Adam Rudd, CEO of Largo Medical Center
The panelists answer moderator and audience questions regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, both locally and on a national scale. Panelists discuss local hospital capacity, personal protective equipment (PPE) at local hospitals, COVID and COVID antibody testing, contact tracing, as well as false negative results.
Audience members asked the experts about the common window for testing results, the racial disparities in testing and care, and how much of the population would need to be tested to get a full picture of the COVID-19 outbreak.