About Venture Catalyst
Tampa Bay is flowing with opportunity. At SeedFunders we are pitched by dozens of talented founders with strong ideas. Our group invested in 6 companies in 2018 and there were at least that many more that were just as attractive as the ones we chose. With the Catalyst I’m exposed to even more creative, intelligent projects and the entrepreneurs behind them.
I’ve been in the local startup scene for a while. I was C.O.O. at SavvyCard when it was the first company that Florida Founders cut a check to. In those days it seemed investors had two modes: real state or confused. That made what Florida Funders and companies like Luma Stream, Presence and SavvyCard did so important. They acted as trailblazers fighting through the dense jungle of rejection and dismissal of technology startups.
Now it’s a new day. Local angels are open to playing in all sorts of sectors. Crowdfunding is in vogue. Florida Funders and SeedFunders are prospering by catering to the demand for early stage investing. Today investors compete to get first crack at the best opportunities. What our ecosystem lacks is a convenient place for investors to meet startups. Enter Venture Catalyst. We’ll connect the community to startups through our “big board” of early stage companies. Each company will have a comprehensive profile page from which it can show the world why we should all take interest.
As we are the Catalyst, we’ll also leverage our great staff and network to gather venture news and events to keep the site fresh and action-filled. We welcome your thoughts and suggestions. Thank you for participating in the Tampa Bay venture community.