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Forward Pinellas Debuts New, User-Friendly Website

Keara McGraw



PINELLAS COUNTY, FL  —-  Forward Pinellas, the Pinellas County transportation and land use agency, is thrilled to announce the debut of our new website at www.ForwardPinellas.org. The new site features a streamlined, modern design, improved functionality, and easy access to essential information to help our residents and partners learn about what’s going on in their community and how they can get involved in these decisions. 


“I’m really excited to roll out our new website, allowing us to highlight the work we’re doing, and the excellent work our partners are doing for our community,” said Forward Pinellas Executive Director Whit Blanton. “In addition to making it easier for people to find what they need, our website’s translation tool and accessibility feature ensure we’re truly able to reach everyone in Pinellas County.” 


Check out some features of the new Forward Pinellas website:


Ø  Learn about transportation projects in your neighborhood

Ø  Read about hot topics, like affordable housing, equity, and new technology

Ø  Find out what’s happening in your community

Ø  Easily see our plansprograms & projects

Ø  See how we’re helping Pinellas move forward

Ø  Get involved with decisions being made in your community


Visitors are encouraged to explore the website and sign up for Forward Pinellas’ blog to stay in the know: www.ForwardPinellas.org/blog 


As the Pinellas Planning Council and Metropolitan Planning Organization, Forward Pinellas strives to bring everyone together to serve the needs of our community and create a vision for the future.

With coordination of 25 local governments, almost 975,000 residents, and more than six million visitors each year, Forward Pinellas enables seamless transportation and redevelopment that provides opportunity for people and communities to thrive.


We hope you enjoy exploring our new Forward Pinellas website: www.ForwardPinellas.org



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