New Grants Awards Help At-Risk Youth, Families, Homeless, Disabled, Mental Health and Arts Nonprofit Organizations in Pinellas
Pinellas Community Foundation (PCF) awards Capital Improvement and Equipment Grants to help local nonprofit programs serving Pinellas County residents
CLEARWATER, FL, March 2, 2021 — Beds and mattresses for homeless youth. New equipment to improve students’ virtual learning. A new dental chair for low-income adults to receive urgent dental care.
These are a few of the Pinellas residents who will be served thanks to nonprofit organizations and PCF’s Capital Improvement and Equipment Grants. Founded in 1969, PCF awards grants to nonprofits serving residents’ critical needs in Pinellas County, FL.
The grants were made possible through the generous donations of PCF Giving to Humanity members. Of the donations made to the program, 100% go to help Pinellas 501(c)(3) nonprofits with capital improvement and equipment needs. No dollars are used for administration costs, and PCF matches the donations made to fund the critical projects.
“The COVID-19 pandemic has helped us realize the value of access to mission-critical equipment and technology,” said Duggan Cooley, CEO of PCF. “We are intently focused on supporting organizations that have maintained and strengthened their life-changing services to the Pinellas community.”
Small, medium and large 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations in Pinellas County were selected for the Capital Improvement and Equipment Grant awards including:
– Boley Centers, Inc. assists individuals with mental disabilities, the homeless, veterans and youth. The grant will help replace deteriorated sliding glass doors in a 15-unit affordable housing complex.
– Boys & Girls Clubs of the Suncoast, Inc. provides youth with a safe, positive and engaging environment. The grant allows for the purchase of portable room dividers for all club locations for safety and distancing during the pandemic.
– Community Dental Clinic cares for adults who do not have dental insurance or the financial means to receive urgent dental care. The grant is for the purchase of a new dental chair to increase its dental health services availability.
– Creative Clay offers individuals with disabilities access to the arts. The grant will improve outdoor classroom space, install security cameras and provide art technology to staff and artists.
– Disability Achievement Center helps individuals with disabilities to achieve and maintain an independent lifestyle. The grant allows the center to level and resurface its parking lot.
– Florida Resurrection House, Inc. works to end generational poverty and provide families with resources to maintain a stable life. It will utilize the grant to replace its boiler with tankless water heaters.
– Girls, Inc. provides after-school educational and enrichment programming for young girls. The grant will purchase for equipment to offer virtual programming, which will also continue post-pandemic.
– Gulf Coast Jewish Family and Community Services, Inc. protects the vulnerable and strengthens families. It will purchase 45 iPad devices for the middle school participants in its Violence Prevention Program.
– Learning Empowered empowers people to build self-sustaining lives through early childhood education, financial stability programs, literacy and citizenship. The grant will enable the replacement of its HVAC unit.
– Museum of Fine Arts St. Petersburg celebrates art and diversity through its exhibits and collections. The grant allows the purchase and installation of touchless sinks for public restrooms and wireless access points in its galleries for hearing-assisted devices.
– NOMADstudio, Inc. provides art programs to those who may not otherwise have access. The grant will repair its mobile studio known as the NOMAD Art Bus.
– Pinellas County Urban League, Inc. changes lives through economic development, education, housing and health programs. The grant allows the purchase of a cloud-based phone system to better connect with clients and computer lab upgrades.
– R’Club Child Care, Inc. promotes respect, responsibility, resourcefulness, and responsiveness. The grant provides for the purchase of tablets to replace aging technology used for preschool assessments.
– Society of St. Vincent de Paul South Pinellas, Inc. focuses on feeding, housing and caring for the homeless, veterans and families. It will purchase health and safety equipment for its Center of Hope.
– Starting Right, Now serves homeless youth by helping them finish high school and improve their life path. This grant will pay for bed-bug-resistant bed frames and mattresses for their Pinellas boys’ shelter.
– Suncoast Center, Inc. provides emotional wellness, trauma and child advocacy services. The grant will be used to purchase a vehicle for providing services to their clients.
Discover how to join the PCF Giving to Humanity membership program in any amount, and support life-changing nonprofit organizations by visiting the program membership page.
For more information about applying for a PCF Capital Improvement and Equipment Grant, please visit the PCF website and review the grant application information.