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Five ways to get involved and give back in St. Pete

Ashley Morales



Photo: Jomjakkapat Parrueng/Unsplash.

If you’re searching for a way to give back to your community, the Catalyst’s Impact Connector is here to help. Each week, we feature five organizations in the Tampa Bay area that need your input, whether that’s time, talent, items, funding or simply awareness. We’re certain you’ll find something here that matches your interests and will positively impact the community.

Turbo Babies Pit Crew Bag Packing Party

The Juvenile Welfare Board of Pinellas County is looking for volunteers to help stuff bags for its Turbo Babies campaign. The bags are filled with items used to educate parents and caregivers on the importance of early learning and development during the ages of 0-3.

Bag packing will take place at the Juvenile Welfare Board’s main office in Clearwater July 31 through Aug. 2. Interested volunteers can sign up online here: https://forms.office.com/r/Fz6nPURvuu

Supplies needed for St. Pete school drive

The City of St. Petersburg is hosting two school supply drives this summer to prepare local students for the upcoming school year. Those wishing to make a donation can do so at Bay Vista Recreation Center through July 31 and at The St. Pete Greenhouse through Aug. 2.

Suggested donations include: Backpacks, folders and binders, composition notebooks, notebook paper, pens and pencils, crayons and markers, glue sticks, rulers and scissors.

Help families from war-torn countries

Gulf Coast Jewish Family and Community Services is making an urgent appeal for financial assistance and other resources to support refugee families and individuals who have been resettled in the region because of war and conflict in their home countries, such as Ukraine and Afghanistan. The nonprofit has assisted over 3,000 people who hope to rebuild their lives locally in the past two years, but is now struggling to continue as living costs rise throughout Tampa Bay.

You can donate online to help keep families housed here. The nonprofit is also looking for temporary, free or low-cost housing options and employers willing to hire refugee individuals who are authorized to work. Reach out to GulfCoastinfo@gcjfcs.org if you can help.

Provide nutritious meals for families facing hunger

This summer, one in four children are facing hunger in the 10-county region across the West Central coast of Florida. The pause in school meals during summer vacation means that many students in our community are left without enough to eat. Without regular meals at school, children are at risk of going hungry. Your support can provide the meals that give them the energy they need to play and have fun during summer vacation.

Feeding Tampa Bay is working to give vital food and relief to families struggling to keep up with the high cost of living. Donate online here to help make sure every local child has nutritious meals this summer.

Volunteer with Girl Scouts of West Central Florida

Interested in working with girls or other adults? Volunteer as a troop leader and help girls become go-getters as they work on specific projects throughout the year. You can also take an indirect role as a Cookie Coordinator or family volunteer and watch as they learn innovative skills that help them reach goals. You can even coach a group of girls as they take risks on an outdoor adventure designed just for them.

If you prefer to work with adults, you can provide the kind of behind-the-scenes support that inspires girls to take the lead and share their passions with their community. There are countless ways to lend your time to support Girl Scouts of West Central Florida. Learn more and sign up by clicking here.

By engaging in these five impactful ways to give back, we can empower our communities and contribute to a more compassionate society. If your organization is seeking volunteers, donations or awareness, click here to submit your opportunity. We’ll get the word out to our readers.



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    Freddie Sykes

    July 28, 2024at5:28 pm

    This may be “giving”, but it certainly isn’t “giving BACK”. These people have never given me a thing.

    • Ashley Morales

      Ashley Morales

      July 29, 2024at8:41 am

      Freddie, We are glad to hear you’ve had such a blessed life that you have never needed the help of a nonprofit! Not everyone is quite so lucky. -Ashley Morales

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