Arts Alive! podcast: Roxanne Fay
Who knew that Carol Burnett, the great TV comedienne, was a major influence on Roxanne Fay, one of the bay area’s finest dramatic actresses?
The graduate of St. Pete High, Florida State University and the prestigious Burt Reynolds Institute For Theatre Training guests on today’s Arts Alive! podcast. Fay, who’s currently onstage at freeFall Theatre in St. Pete in the musical OZ, discusses her lengthy and impressive career, her extensive work with Tampa’s envelope-pushing Jobsite Theater and her approach to the myriad works of William Shakespeare – something she sees as a rich resource that continually renews itself.
Click on the arrow below to listen to the interview.
Velva Lee Heraty
June 30, 2023at11:08 pm
Like a puppy I would follow Roxanne to every engagement she performed in prior to COVID. She was also kind enough to do a reading of my book, “The Dream Belongs to the Dreamer” during its launch week. It was good to hear her voice again. Thanks for this interview.