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‘Catalyst Sessions’ recap: Brandy Stark

Bill DeYoung



Dr. Brandy Stark, a respected St. Pete artist known for her wrapped wire metal pieces, was Wednesday’s guest on The Catalyst Sessions – checking in from her downtown ArtLofts studio – and the conversation covered her background, her extensive education, her continuing role as a teacher, and, of course, her work. Along with the wire and found-object pieces, Stark is a photographer and a sculptor with polymer clay.

Stark’s visit coincided with her other main field of interest – she is a paranormal historian and investigator whose search for St. Petersburg ghost stories has resulted in two books; she is also the founder of Spirits of St. Petersburg, which checks out and chronicles supernatural goings-on in the Sunshine City. She and other members of her group will be at Mirror Lake Park this Saturday (Sept. 26) to discuss such things – Mirror Lake has a rich paranormal history – as part of the national “World’s Largest Ghost Hunt” event.

The Mirror Lake gathering, 7-8 p.m., is free and open to the public. It will also be livestreamed.

A followup at Albert Whitted Airport – also, according to Stark, a ghostly part of town – will be livestreamed only.

All information is here.

Thursday on The Catalyst Sessions: Elizabeth Gelman, executive director of the Florida Holocaust Museum.

Streaming weekdays at 7 p.m. on the Catalyst Facebook page. All episodes are archived on our YouTube channel.

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