Driving dialogue: A conversation with Matthew Weidner of SPDNA [Audio]
The St. Petersburg Downtown Neighborhood Association has a saying: “What happens downtown affects the entire city.” Attorney Matthew Weidner, president of the SPDNA, visits the Catalyst studio to talk about his organization and its objectives, and about the role of neighborhood associations vis a vis local government. Weidner also discusses the new St. Pete Pier and shares his enthusiasm for the project, a development that will most certainly change downtown in powerful, positive ways. Click the play arrow below to listen.
Danny White
April 10, 2018at9:40 pm
Thank you, Mr. Weidner, for making it clear that ALL neighborhood associations are viable contributions to city government. We are attempting to grow our membership in the Greater Pinellas Point Civic Association for the exact reasons you stated in this interview with Catalyst.