Age of Kerouac: A Beat Generation Celebration.
Opening reception is on Friday, March 4th from 6-10 PM at TheStudio@620.
Doors at 6 PM
Featured Poetry Readings, 7-8 PM
Live music by Johnny White aka Mister Cloud.
Beat Generation Costume Contest 8-8:30.
Food catered by Gateway Subs.
The event is free and open to the public.
Age: A synonym for 100 years.
Age of Kerouac: art exhibit featuring the works of 47 visual artists and poets in honor of what would have been Jack Kerouac’s 100th Birthday this March.
Jean-Louis Lebris de Kerouac: Known as Jack Kerouac, the famous author of “On The Road” and “Dharma Bums” was a pioneer of the Beat Generation who passed away at St Anthony’s Hospital, here in St Petersburg, in the year 1969 at the age of 47. Kerouac completed 1/4th of his writing while living in Florida.
Beat Generation: An American counter culture movement in the 1950’s encompassing art and literature. Characterized by spontaneous expression, stream of conscious writing, cut up word collage, sexual liberation, spiritual exploration and the rejection of standard narrative values. Artists have been encouraged to create work that celebrates the larger scope of the Beat Ge, not just Kerouac, but also techniques of the era and the works of his contemporaries.
Location: The Studio@620, 620 1st Ave S. in St. Petersburg, FL
The exhibit will display from March 4th until March 31st in the back gallery of Studio@620.
Organized by Friends of Jack Kerouac