Movies in the Park, a recurring community event hosted by local historic preservation organization Preserve the ‘Burg, returns to North Straub Park, located between 4th Ave and 5th Ave NE on Beach Dr., from May 5 to May 26. Movies in the Park invites St. Petersburg locals and visitors to grab a seat at the waterfront park and enjoy family-friendly classics on an outdoor movie screen every Thursday in May. Each evening begins at 5:30 PM and features live music as well as local food vendors.
The featured films include:
- Summer of Soul on May 5
- The Rookie on May 12
- Cars on May 19
- Casablanca on May 26
Movies in the Park will also feature live music from some of the Bay Area’s best local acts starting at 6:30 PM until sundown. Bands include Kyah Robinson on May 5, Gulf Coast Cowboys on May 12, The Joint Chiefs on May 19 and Boho Sideshow on May 26.
Movies in the Park is free, however, attendees are encouraged to register in advance and make a donation or become a Preserve the ‘Burg member. Donations support PTB’s mission to advocate for and celebrate St. Petersburg’s historic architecture and unique sense of place.
Organized by Preserve the 'Burg