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Five ways to make a positive impact in St. Pete

Ashley Morales



Tampa Bay families are able to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner thanks to donated food from Metropolitan Ministries. Photo provided.

If you’re searching for a way to give back to your community, the Catalyst’s Impact Connector is here to help. Each week, we feature five organizations in the Tampa Bay area that need your help, whether that’s time, talent, items, funding or simply awareness. We’re certain you’ll find something here that matches your interests and will positively impact the community.

Double your donation this Thanksgiving

You can inspire extra hope across the Tampa Bay area with Metropolitan Ministries, a nonprofit that provides meals, shelter and other essential help for families in need in the Tampa Bay area. Thanks to a $100,000 match, your donation goes twice as far, putting double the meals on the table for local families this Thanksgiving.

Join Project 100’s community outreach team

Project 100 is committed to the empowerment of our community, the success of the next generation and the beautification of our streets, by producing research-based initiatives, programs and events focused on bridging gaps & reducing disparities. As of June 2023, Project 100 expanded its services to opening a clothes pantry serving 120 individuals monthly. The nonprofit also hosts several yearly street-cleaning events. Volunteers are needed to help with the clothing pantry and street cleanups. Weekend shifts are available. Get the details here: https://projectonehundred.org/membership

Preserve the ‘Burg

For more than 40 years, Preserve the ‘Burg has worked to protect our city’s history and keep St. Pete special. If you’re passionate about our community and protecting our city’s past, Preserve the ‘Burg has opportunities for you to get involved and make a difference. Preserve the ‘Burg volunteers help manage events, recruit members, research local properties, lead historic walking tours and more. Learn more and sign up here.

Join 100 Women Who Care

100 Women Who Care St. Petersburg is a giving circle for women to learn and give back to the community at by providing nonprofit awards. 100 Women bring $100, listen to three local nonprofits give a five-minute pitch and five minutes of Q&A, then vote on which charity will win $10,000, all in one hour. You can join ahead of the next meeting Nov. 2 and make your $100 donation go 10x as far.

Support youth art programs

By engaging in these five impactful ways to give back, we can empower our communities and contribute to a more compassionate society. If your organization is looking for volunteers, click here to submit your opportunity. We’ll get the word out to our readers.

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